Canoe building
Building a Selway Fisher 15 foot prospector canoe

Port Gaverne launch

The plans

gathering the tools

Lofting the plans onto 4 sheets of gaboon marine ply

cutting out the 28 planks

planing edges of planks

scarf jointing the planks together

more clamps required

loosely arranging planks

starting to loosely stitch the planks together

centre board mould to shape planks around

taking shape

The bow

bow loosely stitched

showing cable tie stitching

bulkhead (Anthea painting board)

clamping bow into shape

Filleting the joints with epoxy filler


deck made partly from an old cupboard I made as a student

clamping and screwing the gunwales

Finishing the deck to a soundtrack by Paul

The stern

air release bung


4 coats of Donegal Green topcoat

4 coats of varnish on the decks and gunwales

A seat made from some old Gul webbing

Inside painted off white

Detaiing and air pressure release valve.

Ye olde canoe builder

Seat and yoke bolted in

second seat in Cornish colours


named Keskorra, Cornish for put together

Launched at Port Gaverne for first sea trials